DS/DEV Portfolio

Here you will find some projects/mini-projects I have developed using python and working with some data, in some cases using own datasets or searching them automatically in the web.

I expect that this portfolio let you to see what could be done with data analysis, machine learning or general python scripting so you love them as I love them.

And also if you are looking for someone with several experience in IT, Software engineering, with statistical skills and technical/functional skills in business ERP and different web/app/science programming you could contact with me.

Gompertz Project


Airbnb - Madrid Discovery Project

Discovery project from Airbnb data related to Madrid

Airbnb data information from Insider Airbnb page. We will try to discover impact insights from Madrid Airbnb data, then all these insights will be presented in a correct way

  • #Business Analytics
  • #Proxy variables
  • #Data-Cleaning #Data-Analysis #Pandas

Solar Plant Usage Analysis

Discovery Project from a Solar Plant data

Discovery Project from an ecommerce store to found some insights

  • #Business Analytics
  • #TimeSeries #CubeAnalysis
  • #Data-Cleaning #Data-Analysis #Pandas

Ecommerce Analysis Discovery Project

Some business analytics insights for an ecommerce

An ecommerce store has given its data to do an analyisis and get some insights and possible new actions to increase current sales

  • #Business Analytics
  • #TimeSeries #RFM #Cohorts #CubeAnalysis
  • #Data-Cleaning #Data-Analysis #Recommender system

Weather prediction from historical Data

Using public opendata weather from local station to predict raining days
From local station using historical data 2009-2020 machine learning model creation
Covid Mollet

From meteocat opendata, we have retrieve all historical data from one local station (the nearest to my home) and from all weather mesure we will try to create machine learning model which cloud classif with some features the probability for raining

  • #XGBoost
  • #Python
  • #DataScience

Isaac Gonzalez Course R->Python

Notebook done in python following machine learning sample from Isaac Gonzalez R course
A part from the data analysis we will do some advanced analytics modeling regression algorithm.
Gompertz Project

The objective is to analyze a data set of a machine that can fail suddenly.

  • #Logistic Regression
  • #Case Study
  • #DataCleaning

Airbnb - Barcelona Price Prediction

Full DS project, from datacleaning till explotation using Public Data from Airbnb of the city of Barcelona

Airbnb data information from Insider Airbnb page. We want to know how prices are determined and which factors are most relevant for the airbnb users in the city of Barcelona

  • #MachineLearning
  • #RandomForest #LinearRegression
  • #Data-Cleaning #Data-Analysis #Pandas

IT Go-Live study by Gompertz Function

Gompertz knowledge applied to IT Go-Live Project
Looking for some metrics and KPI objectives in a Go-Live Project, evaluating ticket creation
Gompertz Project

Using data from real company go-live project registered through ticketing helpdesk tool, it's going to be analyzed as pandemic distribution

  • #Non-Linear Square Regression
  • #TimeSeries Insights
  • #Python DS analysis

News WebScraping #Mollet #Covid

Webscraping Report for local Covid News
Scripting for get from digital local newspapers all news related to #mollet and #covid
Covid Mollet

The mini-project it's scripting tool done to be executed through crontab and send html report mail to me, family and nearest friends about news summary related to #mollet and #covid.

  • #Mini-project
  • #Python Script
  • #WebScraping

IT KPI DashBoard Full Webpage

Customized Web Dashboard to share IT KPI
IT Dashboard with different metrics, and grouped by technology and country
Gompertz Project

Customized web dahsboard designed fully in python, using django and plotly-django-dashboard as framework

  • #Insights
  • #Django #Plotly-Dashboard
  • #Data-Cleaning #Data-Analysis #Pandas

Projects Frameworks

Business Analytics/Discovery

ba framework

Machine Learning Framework

ml framework

About this Web Page

This webpage life in personal VPS, it has been developed using Flask framework and it's working over wsgi-nginx-gunicorn service applications.

As part of personal portfolio it's demonstration of using:

  • Flask framewok
  • Bootstrap classes (css & html)
  • WSGI Gunicorn Deployment
  • Nginx Server Deployment
  • Linux Server Administration
  • SSH certification - Secure Web